Face Yourself Brand
This social media awareness campaign will bring to light the problems with social media. The main issues are misinformation, depression, and addiction, so we have decided to focus on the biggest offender, Facebook. We encourage their users to delete the app for 30 days to restore true happiness in their lives.
Your happiness is important! It is the mental fuel that gets you through life. The goal of the Face Yourself campaign is to restore the precious resource of joy to your life. This is accomplished by detoxing your mind of social media for a single month. You will be surprised at how great you feel!
Included in the project:
Logo, Color, Typeface, Style Guide, Website (Home, About, Donate), Creative Brief, Unique Selling Proposition, Research (Questionnaire, 3D Pop-Up), 3D Pop-Up Physical Model, 3D Pop-Up Digital Model, Website - Animated Load Screen, Motion Graphics TV Commercial
Digital & Physical 3D Pop-Up


Style Guide

Home page animation


Pitch Presentation

“Child suicide rates have soared by up to 150% in a decade”

“Self-harming by girls aged ten to 14 has almost tripled”

“64% of people who joined extremist groups on Facebook did so because the algorithm steered them there.” Hello, my name is Michael Carpenter. I am a graphic designer, and I am here to show you our creative solution to these troubling issues.

Let me start by asking you a question. Ask yourself, what is your happiness worth to you? Social media is stealing your happiness away. There’s a quote that says something like if you repeat a lie enough times, people will start to believe it. There are good things about social media too but just like with everything else, moderation is key. It’s time to face misinformation, face depression, face addiction,

face yourself. Your happiness is important! It is the mental fuel that gets you through life. The goal of the Face Yourself campaign is to restore the precious resource of joy to your life. This is accomplished by detoxing your mind of social media for a single month. You will be surprised at how great you feel!

This campaign will bring to light the problems with social media. The main issues are misinformation, depression, and addiction, so we have decided to focus on the biggest offender, Facebook who currently consist of 2.9 billion monthly users mainly male and female 25-34 years old. We encourage their users to delete the app for 30 days to restore true happiness in their lives. During the creation of this brand, extensive research was done to create every element. This would most likely be funded by a philanthropist or government.

I will start with the logo: Facebook blue was chosen because it represents the social media platform this campaign aims to delete for thirty days. The word “face” is used because it references Facebook and the spirit of the movement, which is facing the negative issues that social media creates. The blue rectangle that is in perspective represents a mirror that you would use to look at yourself and, in this instance, reflect on your life and happiness. The gray used in “yourself” softens the word, so the message does not give a harsh feeling. “Yourself” is handwritten to provide the logo with a more human eliminate.

The typeface Arial was chosen because of its similarity to the typeface Facebook uses. This again ties in the theme of this campaign, which is to Face Yourself by deleting Facebook. The Paradox: How do you get the word out about a social media awareness program without using social media?

How about drones? This might seem wacky but crazy stuff like this is how things go viral on the internet and end up on the news. Just imagine it’s a sunny day and you’re in the park and suddenly it starts raining this brightly colored yellow balls with happy faces on them. (DROP BALLS ON TABLE)

You pick one up, and on the back there is a QR code directing you to a website. So you’re very intrigued now and go to the website and here is what you see.

Aside from our faint logo in the corner, all you see are the words “it’s about you.” This is because our campaign is all about you. These words and the logo aren’t the only thing you see though. If you look closer at your screen, the dark color allows you to see a reflection of yourself which is exactly what our goal is, for you to look deeper within.

After the home page grabs the user’s attention a load screen begins after a certain time. Rings form around the center appear representing a solar system of social media that rotate around you. A small door (shaped like our logo icon) flashes in the bottom corner and a message appears saying that your happiness awaits, find out more. (SHOW LOAD PAGE)

Clicking the small door will bring you to the about page which will reveal our brand personality and goals. This section of our website can also be reached through the menu icon.

Finally, our donation page. Donations go towards paying for website maintenance, drones, and more squishy balls, and our pop-up shows we do which I will show you in just a bit. But first, we wouldn’t just rely on drones to get our message out. Here is a short 30 second commercial I created as well. (SHOW COMMERCIAL)

Now without further ado, I’d like to show you what the pop-up at our shows would look like. (SHOW POP UP)